RenoVo For Horses
RenoVo represents an advancement in regenerative veterinary medicine utilizing amniotic tissue. Amniotic tissue possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fibrotic and extracellular matrix proteins which are important to the tissue healing process.
RenoVo is an exciting alternative to other autologous therapies because it is readily available, allowing clinical use without the time lapse for culturing or harvesting techniques required of other regenerative therapies. Additionally, individual patient variability can result in differing cytokine and growth factor profiles. The reproducibility of each donor tissue offers a more homogeneous protein concentration and product consistency in RenoVo. It is cryopreserved and maintained frozen before use, which allows a stock to be available for immediate use at our clinic.
What are Amniotic Tissues?
Amniotic tissues are comprised of amnion and amniotic fluid surrounding the foal during pregnancy. Amnion and amniotic fluid are rich sources of biologically active factors involved in tissue regeneration with reported anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, re-epithelialization, and anti-fibrotic properties.
Amniotic tissues contain key growth factors, cytokines, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, and extracellular matrix proteins recognized as intrinsic to the complex tissue healing process. Published studies on the benefits and efficacy of amniotic tissue in wounds date back over 100 years.
Where do the Tissues Come From?
Tissues are recovered from healthy mares during live birth by licensed veterinarians using safe recovery techniques and sterile equipment without harm to the mare or foal.