Arthramid for Joint Pain
Joint issues can afflict horses of all types, sizes, and breeds, regardless of the activities they participate in.
When it comes to inflammation in joints, there are a number of different therapies that can help address the symptoms, but Arthramid focuses on the joint itself by restoring the function of the synovial membrane, rather than masking the pain as other therapies would.
This treatment can help manage the pain associated with joint conditions such as osteoarthritis while improving your horse's overall performance and quality of life.
Why Use Arthramid?
Arthramid may be a beneficial treatment option for any horse experiencing conditions such as synovitis, capsulitis, or osteoarthritis.
The main goal of this treatment is to recreate the cushion by reforming the structure within the joint, ultimately allowing for the preservation and potential regeneration of the joint tissue and synovial membrane.
This can help to reduce the pain that a horse may be experiencing while restoring joint function. The restoration of the synovial membrane will also result in the restoration of the function of the synovial fluid within the joint. Arthramid is safe for use in older horses and those with known metabolic disorders.